
Cottages On The Hill

I'm on an English country scene kick. Mainly because I love the quaint little old cottages one finds in the English countryside. They evoke an atmospheric feeling that I like to create in watercolor.  When I first painted this it was without the tree and broken fence. During critique in class Jerry Still felt it needed the tree and fence to frame the subject and tie the sky to the land area.  I really don't like to go back and "fix" a watercolor because I usually end up ruining it. I need to do this over because I really don't like the tree. This was my third try after erasing the previous two with "magic eraser" - wonderful stuff for fixing a watercolor.  Anyway, a third rub will probably make a hole in the paper, so I need to start from scratch. It will be a good exercise.  I was very pleased with the foreground though. Hope I can repeat it. Size: 14" x 11" on Arches hot pressed paper. I used windsor green, raw sienna, burnt umber, burnt sienna and black india ink.


  1. There is always so much atmosphere in your work! This one has an almost desolate feeling, Jean, yet the homes are embraced and protected by the "arms" formed by the tree and fence!

  2. The tree and the fence have added a sort of completeness to he composition I think and in spite of them trying to gain more attention, the cottages still remain the subject.. that is lovely!

  3. I love the sky, love the cottages. I find the dark spots in the center of the painting (middle/foreground) somewhat distracting.... but maybe that's just me!

  4. The foreground is very appealing, as is the country cottage subject. I always enjoy your artwork. x

  5. Molto bello. Mi piacciono molto le case in lontananza con l'albero in primo piano. Complimenti. Elvi

  6. The foreground earth colours are excellent and remind me very much of the work of John Blockley, a very fine watercolourist.

  7. Hello, Jean! I LOVE your work! So much so, that I have featured your blog and artwork on this week's FATuesday Artist Spotlight. The link is http://bethlniquetteart.blogspot.

    You are so inspiring to me. Thank you for sharing your artwork here. Have a wonderful week!


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