
Marsh Light

I have done a number of watercolors of the local marshes. They really appeal to me - not sure why.  I used a dropper filled with watercolor to draw the reeds. I find it easier to be more loose with this method. The sky is done in layers with raw sienna for the under painting then red iron oxide with some neutral tint added. The hills in the background were a mixture of cobalt blue mixed with some Payne's grey. Size is 10.5"X13.5".


  1. That really turned out nicely! Love your skies, they're so expresive.

  2. Your becoming a master at skies Jean! Lovely painting

  3. Big skies in a vertical format are a joy for me always and this looks so impressive, nice work!

  4. Hi Jean, I agree with Karen, your skies become more and more beautiful. This painting is gorgeous. Have a good week end!

  5. Wonderful mood in this painting , love the colors you used !

  6. Beautiful sky Jean, I haven't used the red oxide before is it an opaque colour? it certainly adds richness to the sky.

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Thanks Caroline. It is transparent red iron oxide by M. Graham.


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