
Fading Light

I used an indirect glazing technique to achieve the background for this tonal watercolor. It takes much more patience because one has to wait for each layer to dry before adding the next one. I'm fairly impatient and usually like to finish a painting in one session.


  1. These muted colours make the scene look like the Scottish highlands to me - beautiful work. Please explain 'indirect glazing'? Maybe you do it with an extra long brush! LOL ^_~

  2. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Thanks Gillian. Indirect glazing is when you wait for each thin layer of transparent color to dry before wetting the paper again and glazing over with another thin layer of color. Direct glazing is when you paint the glazes wet in wet.

  3. Lovely. You are a master of atmosphere and light.

  4. Lovely....glazing does have that effect.

  5. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Thanks Laura and Karen. Glazing is something I need to practice more.

  6. Thick air of the finishing day. I like it very much.

  7. Thanks for the info, I guess I just have never seen it referred to as that! ^_^ x

  8. I sympathize with your impatience, but the effect is lovely and very atmospheric. Do you use a hair dryer? I would recommend it - it speeds up drying time enormously (though I rarely use the glazing technique, I still want it to dry more quickly). Then again, your paintings always have a wonderful atmospheric quality, whether glazed or wet-in-wet.

  9. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Mineke: Thanks for your comment. I do use a hairdryer sometimes but it is still much more time consuming than painting wet-in-wet.

  10. This is lovely. I've never done glazing - too impatient, but what a lovely result it's produced.

  11. Finishing or starting day...? Wonderful light here, wonderful atmosphere.

  12. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Thanks Liz. I'm not sure I have the patience either but it does give the kind of result you cannot get any other way.

    Fabio: Thanks so much. It's a great compliment coming from you.


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