
Something Completely Different

Getting away from my atmospheric watercolors I decided to have another try at florals - something that does not come easy to me.  I'm not a realistic painter so I prefer to create a semi-abstract rendition of flowers. I follow a number of watercolor blogs where the artists seem to paint flowers so effortlessly - wish I could say the same for me. I've been practicing the past two weeks and this is the best I've managed so far. I won't mention how many I've discarded. I made the mistake in this piece of throwing in some black India ink. I like the way it spreads because it is insoluble in water. However, I don't think it adds anything to this piece so I will have another attempt and leave out the ink. I used cadmium red, indigo, new gamboge and India ink.


  1. Jean...KEEP ON!!..I LOVE the composition...and perhaps just a line or two for definition here and there and you're in!! I just posted a bunch of sunflower pics you can use as reference if you want...LOVE THOSE COLORS!!

  2. I am glad to see this color feast. So live.

  3. Unexpected bonanza from you,Jean,love this abstracted realism!

  4. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Jean I love this! Interpreting floral shapes like this is something really special....I posted a reply on the Washes blog about pouring....I'm not much of a floral painter, either....especially as I don't usually draw on my paper first....just let your brush guide you and remember all your brush techniques...especislly dry brushing and wet into wet blending for petals.

  5. I think you have achieved what you were trying for very well in this one Jean. You have kept the flowers soft and abstract without losing their shapes and directions. I love it!

  6. Well, Jean I am just the opposite, .. your floral is a hundred times better than my landscapes. I don't know how you do it , but you manage both very nicely... BJ

  7. super jean ..i like the black ink and centres ..hope to see more flower paintings .

  8. very good watercolours : )


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