
Tomales Bay

Tomales Bay is about an hour drive from our house. It is another largely unspoiled area with large parts belonging to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. It's great that these areas are protected from developers. We have many unspoiled open spaces within driving distance. My paintings are usually all about the skies, but I also like to include local scenery. I used a limited palette of indigo, yellow ochre and burnt sienna on hot pressed paper. Took it to class yesterday and all Jerry said was "sign it."


  1. This is really nice Jean and I especially like that sky. Very good. ;-)

  2. I agree with your teacher Jean...a beautiful piece and I also just love how you explain things about what you paint!!

  3. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Very nice and very moody...I hope you HAVE signed it! Happy Holidays to you, Jean...and all creative blessings for 2012.

  4. This sky is amazing!

  5. I loved the realistic abstract look of this composition!

  6. Very good, so atmospheric.
    Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  7. It's gorgeous... I love that color scheme!


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