
Dappled Moonlight

Another atmospheric watercolor. Trying to capture the moonlight I see over the bay from my living room window. If I were to do it again I would not put so much detail in the tree on the right. This would be better with just a few abstract strokes. Size is 13.5" x 9.5 inches. An underpainting of raw sienna was followed by using French ultramarine mixed with burnt sienna for the rest of the painting. I used a coarse painters brush for the sea to get the effect of dappled moonlight.


  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Gracias Ina.

  2. These slivers of moonlight between the clouds create such a nice atmosphere. Well chosen subject and very beautifully painted!

  3. Very atmospheric Joan, but I disagree about the tree. I like it detailed. Nice work.

  4. So very atmospheric just like yr signature work,, moonlight captured with grace!

  5. Very beautiful and wonderful atmosphere, the light is just striking, and I like the 'detailed' tree !


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