
Marsh Evening

I haven't painted in a while. However, having sold nine paintings in the month of December, I figure I had better get busy again. For anyone wondering how to go about selling their art, I have had a lot of success with the online gallery zatista.com.  They sell my paintings regularly - this year I sold 19 through them. They also have a store on amazon.com and list all of the paintings in their gallery on their amazon store, where art seems to sell quite well. The downside is that zatista takes 45% commission on each sale. But then, if I didn't have my paintings on their site, I probably would still have them in my inventory, which is one way of looking at it.  I have sold all of my sunset and marsh paintings so wanted to paint another in the same series since the subject appeals to me. This is probably my last painting of the year so I wish all my fellow bloggers happy holidays and a fruitful painting new year.


  1. Beautiful scene Jean, well done on the sale of so many works. Finding a successful online store to be involved with is not easy so thanks for your recommendation, will check it out. You are right about the commission, better hanging art than stored art I say. Have a great Christmas

    1. Thanks for stopping by Lorraine. Happy Holidays!

  2. That is great news Jean, Congratulations! Wishing you Merry Christmas and a fabulous 2015!

    1. Happy Holidays to you too Padmaja!

  3. Well done on selling so many Jean. This latest painting is wonderful. I just love that red sky and you can see the setting sun reflecting on the undersides of the clouds. Gorgeous!!


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