
You tube demonstration on creating textures in watercolor

I've been doing a series of videos on Youtube on how to create textures in watercolor. This is #4 in the series. To watch the others go to my Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDD3LH45Pom4Ivx4OmugxTQ?view_as=subscriber and be sure to subscribe so you don't miss future how-to demonstrations. Enjoy!


  1. Excellent video, Jean! I've never seen acrylic inks demonstrated before. I also have a bottle of granulation medium that's been gathering dust. Now I can use it. Thanks!

    1. Hi Bilie. You can also use your granulation medium on any granulating watercolor. A good one is burnt umber.

  2. Thank you for the tip. I did try it once but was not impressed with my results. I did know it should be used with granulating wc.


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