
Solitude II

I sold my painting Solitude this week and the buyer asked if I could do a companion piece with the same colors. He wanted me to come up with a design that would complement and somehow be an extension of the piece he bought. Never having done a commission before, and with nothing specific in mind, I was a little hesitant at first. Then I realized it would be a good exercise and if he did not like it, I could always offer it on my web site. It's not easy to recreate a mood and get the colors just right. The values are a little different in this piece, but that could be a good thing.  The pathway is designed to lead the eye towards the tree and for the buyer, also leads beyond to the lake and the hill with the cottage which is in the first piece he bought. I used indigo, burnt sienna and raw sienna in the sky and the same colors mixed with a little burnt umber for the land area. I'm also happy to say that the buyer's reaction was, "it was just what I was looking for as a companion piece," and now the two watercolors will hang side by side.


  1. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Jean, I sure hope he/she likes it....I do! The sky is amazing.

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Hi Maggie
      I'm happy to say he loved it. Hope your renovations are going well.

  2. Jean this painting will go perfectly with the other painting 'solitude' they both tell a story. Well done on getting the commission. Beautiful work as usual.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Thanks so much Caroline. I must say it is nerve wracking doing commissions. You don't want someone to say they like it because you went to the trouble but I'm pleased to say he really liked it even though I gave him an out.

  3. A beautiful painting, how lucky the buyer is

  4. Beautiful! It is fun to do a sequel to a painting and even more challenging when it is a commission.Congrats on the sale and the happy feed back from the buyer!

  5. Congratulations Jean, it such a beautiful painting.....I'm not surprised at all that the buyer liked it!!

  6. This is a beautiful piece Jean... I love the palette and the sky is superb. I know exactly what you mean about commissions... a bit exposing... painting for yourself you expect that some will like and some won't, but painting specifically for one person is so tricky as they may be the ones who don't like!! I always give a let out too but like you with the limited numbers I've done thankfully they have all liked... phew!!


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