
Wild Fennel

I just had to go back to using muted colors after my last exercise. It's more in my comfort zone. I'm sorry I didn't photograph this in the various stages to show how I painted this piece. I started out masking out the fennel flowers, drawing them very loosely with various dots of masking fluid and joined the dots together to give the appearance of fennel flower heads. I also masked out some branches and splattered some masking fluid randomly onto 140lb Fabriano cold pressed paper. Once dry I started adding the background colors of indigo and Daniel Smith's Pompeii red. After that dried I added more branches and spatterings with masking fluid. When dry I sprayed the watercolor in parts with water and added a darker shade of indigo mixed with a little alizaron into the wet areas and waited for it to dry. I then removed all the masking fluid and loosely wet the flowers and painted them first with Aureolin yellow and then, while still wet, I dropped in some transparent yellow to give them a bit of depth. These flowers are somewhat of a greeny yellow, leaning towards mustard color. I had to try out several yellows on a piece of scrap paper to get the right hue. Layering always helps to give a painting more depth.


  1. Jean, beautiful piece and thanks so much for the explanation of your process. I always learn from reading how other people tackle a challenging subject. I have to admit, muted colors are "you." I love how they evoke the area in which you live.

  2. This painting is wonderful. Full of depth, wind and mood. Great work.

  3. This is beautiful Jean, it looks quite complicated, it would be interesting to see the stages.

  4. I was looking forward to a sequel to the last post, nevertheless I enjoyed your signature work!

  5. Wow! Absolutely superb this watercolor. Great job Jean. Ciao.

  6. Hi Jean - Your technique with the masking fluid really worked well. Just pefect!


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