
African Bushveld

Since my profile mentions the fact that I am influenced by my time living in Africa as well as other areas of the world, I thought it time to depict an African scene. This watercolor is reminiscent of an area known as the Karoo in South Africa. It is very dry, hot scrubland that hardly ever gets any rainfall. The size is 13.5" X 10". I used raw sienna, aureolin yellow and burnt sienna for the glazed unperpainting and raw umber, french ultramarine, burnt sienna and some alizarin crimson for the details.


  1. A lovely scene and beautiful painting, Jean. Your colors are so subtle and convincing. The way you've painted the ground it really recedes!
    This is stellar!

  2. Jean, Wow... This one struck me as I was musing through. Did you use multiple glazing, beautifully done...

  3. Love the warm palette here - it certainly conveys the heat and dryness of the place. You convey atmosphere so well.

  4. As stunning as always, looks like a period photograph to me!

  5. I love the way you used colors to give the feeling of warmth...which I'm sure it was! Nice piece!

  6. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Irina: Yes, It is a very hot area.

    Laura: Thanks. I have subsequently lightened the background a little more to create more recession at the suggestion of my art instructor.

    Karen: Yes, I did do about three glazes for the underpainting.

    Mineke: Thanks so much. Glad I was able to convey the feeling of heat and dryness. It was a challenge.

    Padmaja: Thank you. Interesting how different people see a painting.

    Saundra: Thanks for your comments. Your setup for your exhibition looks really great. Good luck with it.

  7. Lovely warm painting that depicts the hot landscape of Africa.

  8. How lovely to see your remembrances of my part of the world Jean! You've caught the atmosphere and the beauty of the Karoo beautifully.

  9. This is stunning. The colors are awesome. Very powerful.

  10. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Caroline: Thank you. It is an extremely warm area of the country and I wanted to portray that.

    Liz: Coming from a South African I'm delighted you think it's accurate.

    Kathleen: Thanks so much. I like "stunning".

  11. I can relate to this scene as I am presently residing in Africa. The colors are just brilliant. Brilliantly captured.

  12. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Thank you AK for your glowing comments.

  13. I can only echo everyone else. You've beautifully captured the hot, arid barren landscape. Well done.

  14. Wonderful, Jean! Wow!

  15. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Thank you John and Teresa.


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