
Kehoe Beach

West Marin County, California has some of the most beautiful unspoiled beaches. Kehoe Beach is one of them. We took a walk with the family and our two dogs on this pristine stretch of beach. There was a slight mist over the beach that added to the peacefulness. High cliffs were to our right and the sea to the left. We could see cows high up on the edge of the cliff - no fence. I used artistic license with regards to the colors. I used indigo mixed with raw sienna, brown madder and some burnt sienna with French ultramarine.


  1. I really like this painting. Your "artistic license with regards to the colors" made this very atmospheric. Great choice.

  2. Lovely painting Jean and I can see the height of those cliffs in the distance. The colours create lots of atmosphere, a good choice.

  3. Some magic there Jean, the colors look ethereal and scene just great as usual!

  4. Beautiful, Jean! Your characteristic glowing sky. The rocks are modeled so gently, and I'm impressed by your surf--it's so hard to make all those wavelets look "convincing" but you've done it!

  5. Wow! This is a fantastic watercolor. The composition is wonderful and the sense of place is so strong. It really looks as though you painted this with ease.

    Well done. You are very lucky to be in such a beautiful area.

  6. Jean, I remember it well,.and you have done it justice !! Beautiful piece (peace)

  7. This exudes peacefulness for me. Very lovely.

  8. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Eva: Thank you. I do like painting atmospheric watercolors.

    Caroline: Glad you think the colors work. I had great difficulty getting them to look right on the computer. They are still not quite the same as the original.

    Padmaja: Thanks you. I like "ethereal"

    Laura: I watched a demonstration on youtube how to do rocks and tried it here.

    Melinda: Thank you. We do have some wonderful unspoiled areas in Marin.

    Barbra Joan: Glad you think it resembles the scene.

    Gretchen: Thank you. I love your flower watercolors. Not easy to do.

  9. It looks so peaceful and spacious there! Lovely, really lovely!

  10. You have the most wonderful capacity of finding the quiet simplicity in nature and sharing it in paint! Thank you for the African bush painting too! Well captured!

  11. Hi. I've found your blog trough the comment you wrote to Fábio. I like your clean and fresh paintings. Congrats.

  12. Beautiful, Jean! So clean, soft and inviting.

  13. Your blog is so relaxing - your artwork so tranquil. I like your choice of soft colours for this.


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