
Storm Clouds

Last week in class Jerry's demonstration painting was of large clouds over water. I liked the subject matter and wanted to give it a try but decided to paint the clouds with a landscape backdrop. I am working on another watercolor with storm clouds over an estuary, and will post that next. I wanted to use neutral colors to create the storm clouds, which I find interesting. I used indigo and burnt sienna with a touch of raw sienna in places - so it was a very limited palette. Size is 12" X 8".


  1. I love those clouds...:)

  2. Isn't it great when the whole skyfull of clouds turns out! Thrilling, rather than ominous, and beautifully done.

  3. The bare tree compliments to the mood of the storming clouds and so I like it that way this time:-) I also loved your dawn, that is a wonderful moment to watch.

  4. I love your clouds Jean! When I painted in watercolor skies were my favorite...You always do such wonderful ones!

  5. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Karen: Thank you.

    Charlene: I agree, I was really pleased when this sky turned out like this. It can so easily become a mess with the wet-in-wet technique.

    Padmaja: I agree about the tree adding to the mood. That was my intention.

    Saundra: Thanks so much. I do like painting skies. They can be so dramatic.

  6. Wow this is certainly one of the most amazing pieces you've done Jean! Wonderful stormy clouds and that house in the distance gives the whole painting such a feeling of space.

  7. I love the depth you have achieved in this painting. The house adds so much to it!

  8. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Liz: Thanks so much. I added the house and path last because I felt it needed something more.

    Eva: I agree that including the house added depth to the painting.

  9. Excellent sky and clouds. Really well done. I also think your composition and its flow are quite strong too.

  10. Jean, me again. Just had to come back and tell you that this painting has been so much on my mind. And this morning I realised it was so 'Wuthering Heights" in feel. Very haunting.

  11. The limited palette makes for high drama in this piece. Congrats!

  12. The light sky just above the house with the dark clouds high above really gets your attention. You got a lot of mileage out of just 3 colors!

  13. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Melinda: Thanks for your great feedback.

    Liz: I take it as a huge compliment that you think I've created such a mood in my painting.

    Teresa: Thanks so much for the feedback. I am very pleased with this piece.

  14. Oh, I am even more happy that you have found me! I have "walked" through your blog, and I think that your paintings are faboulous! I love your color palette, and the atmosphere you are able to create in your landscapes. I'll come back often to see you! :)

  15. This is very beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing :)

  16. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Thank you Christina and Alice

  17. This is quite something, painting a sky full of storm in watercolour is very tricky. Well done you have captured the atmosphere so well.

  18. Fantastic! I can almost see the lightning crackling behind those luminous-edged clouds. And the landscape is lovely; I love everything you've done in it: the rocks, the road, the house at the end, the bare tree--it's very evocative.

  19. Wow these are striking paintings! I've been thinking of doing some cloud paintings. I just got back from a trip to Asheville NC and there was a wonderful artist doing huge canvases of storm clouds with just a strip of land at the bottom. Gorgeous!

  20. gorgeous, like traveling through your blog, and this is sweet. i like the landscape.


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