
Dusk In The Headlands

Back to my atmospheric watercolors. I like trying out different color combinations to create the atmospheric feel in my watercolors. I love the work of Caroline Simmill and the colors she used in wash #4 for the One Hundred Washes blog challenge. When I tried painting with these colors I could not get them dark enough, even though I used ivory black. For this watercolor I used raw sienna and indigo (which when combined with other colors makes nice darks) and a little burnt sienna on the foreground hill.
Size: 10.5"x9".


  1. I find Indigo a wonderful color for making darks. Nice piece Jean..

  2. I love what you have achieved here Jean! I have never tried indigo during my watercolour years, but I can see the staining ability is perfect!

  3. What lovely gray-greens, and you create such a beautiful glow with the raw sienna. I continue to be astounded by what you do with a limited palette!

  4. The soft feel to it is amazing and I loved the texture you have arrived with in the foreground Jean!

  5. this is really beautiful jean the textures you've created are great...caroline is a wonderful artist .


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